Internship Fall 2016 / by Chelsie Parish

Hello bloggers and fellow photographers of the world,

It's been a few months since my last post and I have been busier than ever! In August, I began collaborating with an insanely talented photographer, Nicky, of Mint Photography. She agreed to take me on as an intern and dealt with my random rhyming and constant laughter. My internship is unfortunately coming to an end this month. I have learned an incredible amount from Nicky and she has given me the priceless gift of experience. Throughout my five months here I have shot engagements, newborns, weddings, families, and restaurants. I have assisted in lighting, editing, meeting with clients, and keeping up with social media. (which I have ironically slacked on, on my own website, sorry guys) I am so thankful for all the opportunities that this internship has brought. Pictures to come:)
