Officiating a wedding! by Chelsie Parish

I had my very own Joey Tribianni moment when I officiated my brother’s wedding on April 20, 2019. I was so excited to cross that off my bucket list :) I was blessed to be a part of their wedding and lucky enough to capture some moments too! Cheers to you guys Jacob and Gretchen <3

It's been a while by Chelsie Parish

Hey guys,

I have not posted in a bit buuuuut I have been shooting! Today I did a shoot with my coworker Maretta. We have been planning this for over a year and I am so happy it finally happened. This is just one of many pictures I took. I will upload some of the best ones to the website so keep an eye out and there will also be instagram posts in the next few days to come. Hope all is well with you guys and keep shooting your hearts out. A photography a day makes the memories stay;)


Let's Celebrate! by Chelsie Parish


Tu-Uyen, pictured here, graduated from ASU this spring (2018) and I had the honor of capturing the event for her so she could have keepsakes of the memory forever. Congratulations to Tu-Uyen and all the other 2018 graduates out there :)

Graduation Season by Chelsie Parish

It is that time of year again where summer is near and another class of seniors both high school and college are about to graduate and begin their next journey. Time flies by so quickly...make sure to capture the moment so you can have pictures to forever remind you of how ourselves, our friends, and our children were ever so young. Here is a picture of Hannah, a high school senior, who I most recently shot with.




Associates Degree by Chelsie Parish

I finally got my degree and had it framed to look all pretty:) I loved every minute of my two years at Phoenix College. I enjoyed taking all the photography and computer classes and learning from very talented teachers! One of my favorite classes was Art 131- it took us students into the dark room and it made me appreciate the essence of photography even more.

Photos from My Internship by Chelsie Parish

Here are just a few of the photos I have taken throughout my amazing experiences with Nicky. Below are pictures from newborn, maternity, wedding, and food shoots.

Internship Fall 2016 by Chelsie Parish

Hello bloggers and fellow photographers of the world,

It's been a few months since my last post and I have been busier than ever! In August, I began collaborating with an insanely talented photographer, Nicky, of Mint Photography. She agreed to take me on as an intern and dealt with my random rhyming and constant laughter. My internship is unfortunately coming to an end this month. I have learned an incredible amount from Nicky and she has given me the priceless gift of experience. Throughout my five months here I have shot engagements, newborns, weddings, families, and restaurants. I have assisted in lighting, editing, meeting with clients, and keeping up with social media. (which I have ironically slacked on, on my own website, sorry guys) I am so thankful for all the opportunities that this internship has brought. Pictures to come:)


People of PC by Chelsie Parish

Recently, I had the opportunity to create a series of 10 images to hang in the Phoenix College Library. I was inspired by photographer Brandon Stanton who created "Humans of New York". Stanton takes portraits of New Yorkers and interviews them about parts of their life. I wanted to try a similar project with students at Phoenix College, the college I attend. My intention was to show off each subjects unique journey and personality while simultaneously creating a community of support among the students and viewers. 

Be selfish; you can’t always give to others, sometimes you have to give to yourself. I’ve dealt with so many disappointments, and I’ve realized that people are never going to care about you the way you care for you. -Heather